Been Before Trailer
Ilia Esmaili Poor
Been Before is a top-down 3D shooter game with time loops. You can try a level for 4 times and get help from your previous tries.
Been Before
Ilia Esmaili Poor
Help Boloe to rescue The Mighty Star’s children from the evil Redenemis in this top-down 3D shooter with time loops. You can try each level in 4 time loops and have your previous tries repeat their actions in future tries. This way you can strategize to save your past or collaborate with your own future.
Dr. Bakhshandeh
Ilia Esmaili Poor
Dr. Boloe Bakhshandeh is one of Livethink’s retired lead scientists and a close friend of Mr. Anderson. He specializes in quantum mechanics and worked for Livethink Corporation from 2003-2007. Been Before Lore In January 2010, while Dr. Bakhshandeh was doing an independent experiment on time traveling in his garage, he managed to make a cross-dimension…
Livethink Corporation
Ilia Esmaili Poor
Livethink is a large corporation in Esyverse that specializes in robotics and technology. It was founded in 2002 and one of its first services was its internet search engine, Quecto, which is very popular even today. Co-founders of Livethink Corporation Mr. Anderson Dr. Bakhshandeh The original founder and current CEO of Livethink is hidden from the public. Only…