Hackniom Online
Ilia Esmaili Poor
Hackniom Online’s servers have been shut down since 12 September 2023. Here is an unedited video of its gameplay: Roll around and collect gems with your friends in different handmade levels. Spend your hard-earned gems to customize your ball and hang out with up to 16 players at the same time! Hackniom Online is a cross-platform online multiplayer…
Board and Ball Trailer
Ilia Esmaili Poor
Board and Ball game introduction video developed by WTIAUGC. I was the leading developer of this game. I got help with testing, level design, graphic design, and music from the game club members. I do not have the authority to upload this game on my personal website since it belongs to Western Tehran Islamic Azad…
Ilia Esmaili Poor
Hackniom is a critical chemical element which its survival depends on gems. Experience being a chemical element and collect gems for a living. Each level sets in a different reality, and there are enemies which don’t like your existence. Important notes for those who want to download: