AwesomeOS is a multi-functional operating system designed by veteran Livethink engineers back in 1985; way before the foundation of Livethink. It is known for its flexibility and security.
Any data stored in AwesomeOS is encrypted randomly with a sophisticated algorithm. Thanks to its special connection to Livethink servers, it can re-encrypt, purge or update any bulk of its data anywhere in the world in a split second.
Because of its constant updates and user-friendly design, AwesomeOS can be used in computers, phones, smartwatches, smart TVs and even smart cars! If an electric device needs any kind of logic or intelligence, AwesomeOS can handle it.
Examples of AwesomeOS Usage

AwesomeOS is used to monitor Shayan‘s vitals in Cute Adblocker

Kimya is powered by a prototype version of AwesomeOS designed for cyborgs

There is a smart monitor in Drugulation tutorial level powered by AwesomeOS

Feign‘s movement middleware is powered by AwesomeOS
(You can ask Feign about it yourself!)