Livethink is a large corporation in Esyverse that specializes in robotics and technology. It was founded in 2002 and one of its first services was its internet search engine, Quecto, which is very popular even today.
The original founder and current CEO of Livethink is hidden from the public. Only the co-founders and the Esyverse government have information on the identity of the creator of Livethink.
Later in the 2010s, Livethink started manufacturing electric devices, smartphones, home devices, smart robots, and even vehicles.
Examples of Livethink Products
All monitors in Cute Adblocker are made by Livethink
Lightbeam is a spaceship manufactured by Livethink seen in Drugulation and Emercs
Livethink hostile robots like the Livethink Class-B are present in Drugulation and Emercs as tutorial enemies
A wide variety of Livethink vehicles are available to drive in Backrooms: The Lore
Feign‘s robot body is manufactured by Livethink